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Engaging Students in Hybrid/ Remote Learning Using Equity Lens

Selected Results
• Designed and directed highly successful full inclusion program for students with depression/anxiety/suicidiality at a Boston Public Pilot school resulting in decreased psychiatric hospitalizations and increased graduation rates. Program success was highlighted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and was awarded a Goldin Award for Excellence in Education.
• Successfully developed and oversaw alternative education programs for students with serious behavioral, social emotional issues, living in poverty, gang and court-involved, in middle, vocational and high schools, resulting in dramatic increase in standardized test scores and graduation rates.
• Founded special education department at two charter schools, resulting in a Coordinated Program Review rating of “No Corrective Action” and established the first substantially separate classroom on a continuum of services, resulting in higher retention and success rate for students with special needs.
• Promotes student leadership, women's empowerment, and social justice initiatives giving voice to those who often go unheard --marginalized inner-city students of color, LGBTQA+ youth and adults, immigrant/ELL populations, those living in poverty. Through her advocacy, female students are funded to attend annual Massachusetts Conference for Women, where they met Hillary Clinton and introduced actress Lupita N'yongo. She supported students in establishing the first Gender Sexuality Alliance at a Boston Pilot High School, and secured funding and opportunities for community action seminars, student internships, and arts initiatives for special needs students.
What People are Saying

“Janet is a culturally competent and compassionate leader for underserved and often marginalized students. Her passion and skills to help students along the continuum of social-emotional learning is a much-needed gift in the field of education.”
~ Damen Kelton, Asst. Director, Student Support,
Somerville, MA Public Schools
"Ms. Ferone has changed so many lives including mine. By never giving up on students, she showed us that we were worth so much more than we thought."
~ Celeste M., former student,
Madison Park HS
"If it weren’t for Ms. Ferone sticking by me and holding me accountable, I wouldn’t be the successful international basketball player I am today."
~ Raheem S., former student,
Madison Park HS

"Ms. Ferone exhibits exceptional skill in her ability to ensure students with disabilities are given opportunities for inclusion. She facilitated a schoolwide culture that supported students in substantially separate classrooms and promoted prosocial behaviors amongst typically developing peers."
~ Michelle Novelle, Parent, BCLA
"Janet is so empowering, so full of energy, so brave...and she does what she does with a heart full of love."
~ Helen Williams-Waldron, Teacher, Boston Public Schools

"This whirlwind of energy came into our building and created a thriving program for emotionally fragile students. Parents were thrilled at the tremendous growth of their children. I personally learned so much as an administrator from working with her. "
~ Brett Dickens, Former Headmaster,
Boston Public Schools

"In 2016-2017, the State Department designated Gender Equity as the overarching theme of the Hubert H. Humphrey Program...Ms. Ferone leveraged her extensive background to connect our Fellows to local nonprofits and higher education resources,
assisted in finding internships, and shared opportunities throughout the year. She also presented on gender equity initiatives in a seminar series that included Noam Chomsky. She was an invaluable asset to our program. "
~ Cyrus Segawa Konstantinakos,
Asst. Director, Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program, Boston University

“As director of the YES Program, Janet displayed determination, creativity and enthusiasm for working with and supporting the education and growth of some of the most challenging DYS youth. I watched as many youth -- all facing obstacles such as gang involvement, substance abuse, family strife and poverty -- attained educational successes and ultimately high school diplomas under Janet's leadership.”
~ Phil Hindin, Caseworker, Dept. of Youth Services,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts