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Janet Ferone speaking at podium

Speaking,Training & Workshops


Janet Ferone is a seasoned speaker who can address a variety of topics related to equality and inclusion in education. She is expressive and passionate in her delivery, offering an interactive and motivating experience for every audience. 


The topics below can be presented in a one-hour talk to school faculty and staff or expanded into half or full-day training workshops.


Ms. Ferone is entertaining and engaging as a keynote or featured speaker and would be an asset at your next conference or event. 


To schedule Janet to speak at your next conference or event, please call 617-504-3423 or email

Presenter at ASCD Nashville and MA CEC 2018

Selected Topics & Titles

Schools are educating an increasingly diverse student population. School climate and student engagement are enhanced when students can express their full identities, be it gender, LGBTQA+, racial, ethnic, immigrant or other status. This talk will provide practical steps that can be put in place to make your school a safe and welcoming place for all students.

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Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Schools
for All Students

Advocating for substantially separate programming for certain students with disabilities is often considered less than politically correct. This provocative talk argues that substan-tially separate can actually be the least restrictive environment for some students. Drawing on many years of directing both inclusion and separate programs, Ms. Ferone brings this topic to life by sharing student successes while addressing  full continuum of services for special needs students.

Supporting Students with Mental Health Issues 
The Value of Substantially Separate Education in the Era of Full Inclusion
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School Discipline: From Zero Tolerance to Restorative Justice

In this era of increasing school violence, schools are charged with keeping students safe while respecting the civil rights of all students. This talk provides a framework to explore the most effective models for your school to use in creating safety plans and schoolwide discipline that result in increased positive behavior and motivation for students.

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Charter schools have historically struggled in providing services for students with disabilities in compliance with special education regulations. Drawing on her experience as founding special education director for two charter schools, Ms. Ferone provides an overview for staff on the unique responsibilities of charter schools, sharing best practices and demystifing the myriad of complex special education regulations.

Special Education and Charter Schools

Schools work hard to ensure success for their students, but

what happens when students graduate or leave school at

age 22?  Effective transitional planning begins early in the student’s high school years and involves parent/guardians, educators, specialists  and the community. This talk

addresses a wide spectrum of disability areas from autism

to learning disabilities, from college to vocational training

and employment, and can be presented to school staff or

for a parent group.

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          Life After High School: Post-Secondary  Transitional Planning for Students with Disabilities

With recent celebrity suicides and 30% jump in suicide and 42% increase in self-harm over past twenty years, along with many school shootings, adolescent mental health is in the forefront of minds of educators. This talk provides practical whole-school and classroom strategies, with an emphasis on underserved populations such as students of color, high poverty, gender and sexual minorities, and court and foster-care involved students. As founding director of  Boston Public Schools’ Path Program, the model will be presented and then strategies  adapted for participants’ schools and classrooms.

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